Do you see something wrong? Speak Up.

Report a new incident

If you would like to make a report click below:

Review an ongoing case

Login to the Safecall platform to check for an update from your employer, or, to give feedback to an investigating manager about an ongoing investigation.

NG Bailey is committed to running the organisation in the best way possible and by our values of passion, integrity, responsibility and excellence. Despite this commitment, you may have concerns about wrongdoing, or observed conduct that appears to breach the law, our values, policies or procedures. If so, you can report concerns confidentially through this independent and secure website.

Safecall can be used to report concerns relating to:

  • Malpractice, fraud, bribery or corruption.
  • Other criminal offences or illegal acts.
  • Conduct that has endangered, or is likely to endanger, the health and safety of an individual.
  • Violation of competition laws and rules.
  • Improper use of company resources.
  • Disclosure of confidential information.
  • Non compliance with our values, policies, procedures and or processes.
  • Conduct that has damaged, or is likely to damage, the environment.
  • Concealment of information relating to any of the above.

Safecall should not be used to report concerns relating to:

  • An immediate threat to life or property: If emergency assistance is required please contact the appropriate emergency services.
  • Personal grievances such as bullying, harassment, discrimination or grievances concerning your employment terms or performance management. These should be reported under the grievance guide or relevant HR policy.
  • Personal or legal disputes.
  • Accusations which you know are false. Doing so may lead to disciplinary measures.
  • Specific health and safety incidents, you can report these by completing the incident report on MySafety desktop or Mobile but must inform your supervisor line manager and your divisional site team.