ESG and External Whistleblowing – The Perfect Fit

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Environmental, Social, Governance – or ESG as it is more commonly known – is helping to change the world.

There is a growing recognition that businesses and organisations can and indeed should have a moral dimension to their decision making.

This is because ESG is being driven by society, and society is both the workforce and the investors in business.

The person who is passionate about saving the environment can be the same person who is working next to you within your organisation.

The person who is investing can be the same person who is concerned about the ethical sourcing of the materials and manufacturing production your organisation is using.

So ESG has become increasingly relevant over the past few years.

What is ESG?

Put simply, ESG is a set of standards that measure a business or organisations’ impact on society, the environment, and how transparent and accountable the business is about how they handle that impact.

For instance, Law Debenture – our parent company – in 2020, when discussing long term decision making for pension investments, considered the weight of emerging global warming evidence, the declaration of climate emergencies, the Paris Agreement, as well as the increase in public awareness and engagement with the issue, and led the charge on sustainable practices for the long-term benefit of their pension scheme members[1].

There was no conflict of interest. It was about recognising the risks and mitigating them in a way that was beneficial not only to their investors, but to society and the world in general.

In essence, that is what ESG is all about… having a moral compass that is guided by doing what is right, within the bounds of the Law, for the perceived good of society, whilst achieving a positive outcome for employees, customers, investors and owners.

Governance 2022

And that is why Safecall – a whistleblowing hotline vendor and supplier – is a silver sponsor and is exhibiting at Governance 2022.

The Governance 2022 event in July, is run by the Chartered Governance Institute for UK and Ireland, whose audience is predominantly General Counsels, Company Secretaries, Directors and HR Managers, and they are highly interested in the UK corporate governance code, and how to implement ESG into their organisation.

It is the perfect fit for Safecall because our external whistleblowing services are designed to fit seamlessly into any ESG policies, with a minimum of fuss.

We can often have an employee hotline service up-and-running within 24 hours once the customer has identified their contact information.

There are no internal overheads, no HR structural changes, no technological implementations needed.

Plus, we already work with over 850 national and international companies, in 150 countries across the UK, EU, Europe and Globally, covering 2.5 million+ employees in 2000+ offices and workplaces.

So, we can really help attendees make a real impact with their ESG.

Need to Talk to a Whistleblowing System Expert?

Call us on +44 (0) 191516 7720

If you need to give us more detailed information about your business, get in touch.