On-Site Audit

Whistleblowing health check via auditor, at an agreed scope and day rate…

On-site audit

  • Interview with employees
  • Interview with Senior Leadership representatives
  • Interview with Independent governance representatives
  • Interview with whistleblowing team stakeholders
  • Interview with previous whistleblowers

Review of historic whistleblowing

  • How cases were investigated
  • What processes are in place
  • Are processes and protections effective
  • Regular status updates and communication with a dedicated auditor

Written audit report summarizing findings and recommendations

Presentation of findings to stakeholders or broader audience

Next steps

Alternatively, call us today on +44 (0) 191516 7720

Our experience with Safecall has been excellent. The call handlers foster real discussions and ensure confidentiality, which encourages employees to provide full insight and information. The reports we receive, especially from telephone reports, are actionable and of high quality. We appreciate the stability of the Safecall team and the sense of familiarity we have with them.

Dr Markus Kuerten
Vice President Compliance & Privacy

Alternatively, if you need to talk to a
whistleblowing solutions expert please call:

+44 (0) 191 516 7720